Los Castillo Mexican Deco silver Fur Pins


Though it is not uncommon to find Mexican silver fur pins, it is usually single pieces that are available. Here, however, there is a pair bearing the signature of the Los Castillo in a “bow and flower” design. I am not sure if the workshop ever made a whole parure available in this specific design – I have had the small bow necklace / bracelet sets in the past but this is an enhanced version, with more elements added to the bow and the bow itself bigger and fancier. I have seen one or two brooches in this design but never anything else until I came upon the pair of fur clips presented here…

Size / Weight: 2  7/8” long by 1” wide; 38.2 grams (for the pair)

Hallmarks / Date: fully hallmarked with the earlier straight capitals signature, des. no 412, and “STERLING”; pre-1948

Condition: very good vintage at least for the silver-work; as you can see in the photo showing the backs, one of the pins has part of its … pin missing as well as the tiny little spring that creates the tension which makes the finding hold tight – if one were to wear it, the fur pin would not hold its place but flop up and down; I have taken the issue into account in my pricing and would add that the two or even the one with the pin issue could easily be converted to proper brooches

Inv# 15077

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